Direction: Alejandro Hartmann | Production: Netflix / Haddock | Lab Producer:
Alina Couto | VFX Producer: Eva Amuchastegui | Coordinators: Victoria Van Quekelberge, Rocío
Kancepolksi. Number of shots: 48
Entre Hombres
Direction: Pablo Fendrik | Production: HBO / Polka - VFX Supervisor: Mariano
Santilli | VFX Producer: Bruno Fauceglia. Number of shots: 135
El Reino
Direction: Marcelo Piñeyro | Production: Netflix - K&S Films | VFX
Supervisor: Alejandro Valente | Number of shots: 110 | VFX Producers: Bruno Fauceglia | VFX
Coordinators: Cecilia Menchaca
Puerta 7
Direction: Adrian Caetano | Production: Netflix (Polka) | VFX Supervisor:
Mariano Santilli | Number of shots: 70 | VFX Producer: Bruno Fauceglia | VFX Coordinators:
Marcela Cárdenas - Rocío Kancepolski
Corazón Loco
Direction: Marcos Carnevale | Production: Patagonik | VFX Supervisor:
Alejandro Valente | Number of shots: 98 | VFX Producer: Eva Amuchastegui | VFX Coordinator:
Rocío Kancepolski
Direction: Max Zunino | Production: Turner (Platform) | VFX Supervisor:
Santiago Svirsky | Number of shots: 12 | VFX Producer: Bruno Fauceglia | VFX Coordinator:
Rocío Kancepolski
El Robo del Siglo
Direction: Ariel Winograd | Production: AZ | Distribution: Warner Bros | VFX
Supervisor: Luke Di Rago | Number of shots: 154 | VFX Producer: Bruno Fauceglia | VFX
Coordinator: Natalia Paéz
La Odisea de los Giles
Direction: Sebastián Borensztein | Production: KyS | Distribution: Warner
Bros | VFX Supervisor: Jonathan Monroig | Number of shots: 206 | VFX Producer: Eva
Amuchastegui | VFX Coordinator: Rocío Kancepolski
Direction: Jesús Braceras | Production: Disney (Pampa) | Distribution: Space
| VFX Supervisor: Jonathan Monroig | Number of shots: 47 | VFX Producer: Eva Amuchastegui |
VFX Coordinator: Rocío Kancepolski
Direction: Juan Cabral | Production: Labhouse | VFX Supervisor: Bruno
Fauceglia | Number of shots: 210 | VFX Producer: Bruno Fauceglia
El Jardín de
Bronce 2
Direction: Pablo Fendrik & Hernán Goldfrid | Production: HBO (Polka) |
Distribution: HBO (Polka) | VFX Supervisor: Bruno Fauceglia | Number of shots: 40 | VFX
Producers: Sebastian Toro - Eva Amuchastegui | VFX Coordinator: Rocío Kancepolski
El Ángel
Direction: Luis Ortega | Production: KyS | Distribution: 20th C. Fox | VFX
Supervisor: Jonathan Monroig | Number of shots: 80 | VFX Producers: Sebastian Toro - Eva
Amuchastegui | VFX Coordinator: Rocío Kancepolski | Awards: Silver Condor best fictional
film 2019
La Reina del Miedo
Direction: Valeria Bertucelli | Production: Rei Cine | Distribution: Walt
Disney Studios Motion Pictures | VFX Supervisor: Bruno Fauceglia | Number of shots: 47 |
VFX Producer: Bruno Fauceglia
Los que Aman Odian
Direction: Alejandro Maci | Production: Patagonik | Distribution: Walt Disney
Studios Motion Pictures | VFX Supervisor: Santiago Svirsky | Number of shots: 34 | VFX
Producer: Sebastian Toro
Direction: Lorena Muñoz | Production: Habitacion 1520 | Distribution: Buena
Vista Int | VFX Supervisor: Santiago Svirsky | Number of shots: 95 | VFX Producer: Sebastian
Toro | VFX Coordinator: Fernando Szurman
On The Milky Road
Direction: Emir Kusturica | VFX Supervisor: Santiago Svirsky | Number of
shots: 56 | VFX Producers: Sebastian Toro - Fernando Szurman
El Clan
Direction: Pablo Trapero | Production: KyS | Distribution: 20th C. Fox | VFX
Supervisor: Santiago Svirsky | Number of shots: 40 | VFX Producer: Sebastian Toro - VFX
Coordinator: Luli Rossi | Awards: Silver Lion best director Goya best iberoamerican film